Ratha Yatra is an annual Hindu chariot festival celebrated in the month of June or July. The festival is associated with the deity Jagannath . It is held pompously at the city of Puri in the state of Odisha, India.
During , the Ratha Yatra, the three deities Jagannath, his brother Balarama and sister Subhadra are pulled in three massive, wooden chariots. This festival is the celebration of the occasion of the deity Jagannath’s journey towards his aunt’s house. The Rath Yatra signifies a journey of life with family members that shows how much they are attached with each other.

The emergence of Jagannath from the temple is a symbol of his presence among ordinary mankind. It is a lesson that God is present in our hearts and minds and is present among us only.
It is a time of celebration, joy, feasting, merrymaking and devotion. In this time, the air remains filled with festivity and peace is there in the hearts of men.
This festival is an example of the unity in diversity in this incredible India.