Independence day

Independence Day- speech for school assembly

Independence Day

For almost 200 years India was under the British Rule. Our country faced a long obstacle to achieve her independence. India’s freedom struggle has always been an inspiration to the whole world. India snatched her freedom from the British raj on 15th August in 1947. So, the Independence Day of India, the red letter day is celebrated religiously throughout the Country on the 15th of August annually.

Though it’s a national holiday, since it reminds every Indian about the dawn of a new beginning and the new sun. The day is observed in schools, colleges, offices , everywhere with flag-hoisting ceremonies, drills, parades, and the singing of Indian national anthem ‘Jana gana mana’. Besides, various cultural programs are organised to make the day more special. 

parade pic

 After the flag-raising by the honourable prime minister at the Red Fort in Old Delhi, a parade takes place by the Indian army and police. Then Prime Minister gives a speech for the country men. Kite flying is also an Independence Day tradition. The kites of various sizes, shapes, and colours fill the sky expressing the message of nationalism. The need for awareness among youth is needed badly as the future of the beloved nation depends on them. 

red fort road show

 So it is their job to serve the nation and make every possible effort to make it a better place to live in. The observation of this day conveys the message of nationalism and patriotism. This day makes Indian feels proud and reminds about unity in the diversity of the country.

         We must feel proud and pleased, if we can protect our motherland’s glorious, bright, rich traditional and cultural heritage.

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