1st July, the very day has a great Importance in India as well as in the world. The day is observed as Doctor’s day , GST day, Chartered Accountants Day and International Joke Day. So one by one here we will provide you the information about these four days.
In India ‘National Doctor’s Day’ is celebrated on 1st July to pay tribute the legendary and globally renowned medical practitioner, Dr Bidhan Chandra Roy.
At the crucial time when pandemic was also going on, he served people as a physician, a freedom fighter, an educationist and a politician. So none can deny his contributions in these fields. A doctor helps patients to have a healthy life . He is a saviour who brings the hope of ray for his patients.
Contributions of doctors in our society is incomparable. After completing his medical degree , Bidhan Chandra Roy went to abroad for higher education. Then, returning in India, he only served the Indian people selflessly. Coincidentally, this great personality’s birth and death anniversary is on the same day that is 1st July.
So for conveying regards to him, as well as to the doctors , this day is observed throughout the county.

The full form of GST is Goods and Services Tax. In India there are three types of GST. They are : CGST ( Central Goods and Services Tax) , SGST ( State Goods and Services Tax) and IGST ( Integrated Goods and Services Tax) .
GST was introduced in India to promote the tag line: ‘One Nation: One Tax’ . Atal Bihari Vajpayee is known as the father of GST in India and Assam is the first state to introduce GST in India. On July 1, 2017, GST laws were implemented. It replaced a complex web of Central and State taxes.
Under the Indian GST, goods and services are categorized into different tax slabs for different products. The percentage of these slabs are- 5%, 12%, 18%, and 28%. GST played a crucial role in shaping the Tax system in India.
As GST laws were started for the first time on 1st July, GST day is celebrated on this day.

A Chartered Accountant is an accounting professional who are qualified to take care of the matters related to accounting and taxation of a business. A chartered accountant is a professional who manages budgets, auditing, taxes and business strategies for clients.
A chartered accountant can work for businesses, the government and individuals . So his task is to provide expert financial advice and help his clients to manage their funds. In India Chartered Accountants’ Day or CA Day is celebrated on 1st July annually.
It aims to honour the establishment of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) on that day in 1949. So it is also known as the ICAI Foundation Day. So the aim of this institution is promoting, developing and regulating the profession of Chartered Accountancy in the country as well as in the world.
Joke’ is such a term which means talk humorously for making amusement. July 1st is the day on which International Joke Day is celebrated.
It is the day when the world celebrates the cause of laughing . On this day, people from all over the world share jokes, funny information, and humorous clippings to bring joy and happiness to their loved ones. International Joke Day is all about spreading laughter and making people smile.
A good humour can’t cure all ailments, but laughter can do a lot. And laughing comes from Jokes. Not only that, laughter enhances intake of oxygen levels, stimulates heart, lungs and muscles. Laughter also makes it easier to overcome with the difficult situations.
So, considering all these, International Joke Day is celebrated widely throughout the county and as well as in the world.