International Friendship Day

International Friendship Day : significance and importance

International Friendship Day Introduction: According to the United Nations , 30th July is celebrated as the International Friendship Day. But India and most other countries continue to celebrate this very special day on the first Sunday of August every year and this year it falls on 4th August. The theme of Friendship Day 2024 is […]

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parent's day

National Parents’ Day -significance and importance of the day

National Parents’ Day Introduction: National Parents’ Day is a very important day that is celebrated to pay honour to our beloved parents. Like United States and many other countries, India also celebrates this day on the fourth Sunday in July and in 2024 it is on 28th July.  Origin of celebrating the day: In 1994

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Doctor's day

DOCTOR’S DAY – significance and it’s importance

DOCTOR’S DAY When the day is celebrated: In India ‘National Doctor’s Day’ is celebrated on 1st July to pay tribute the legendary and globally renowned medical practitioner, Dr Bidhan Chandra Roy. At the crucial time when pandemic was also going on, he served people as a physician, a freedom fighter, an educationist and a politician.

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Yoga day

INTERNATIONAL YOGA DAY speech for teachers and students in English

YOGA DAY Introduction: 21st June is celebrated as the International Day of Yoga. In December 2014, the United Nations declared June 21 as the International Day of Yoga. Celebration  of this day aims to create worldwide awareness about innumerable benefits of practising yoga. How the term ‘yoga’ came: The word “yoga” is derived from the

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Father's day

FATHER’S DAY speech on significance of the day

FATHER’S DAY When is the celebrated: Across the world, Father’s Day is celebrated on the third Sunday of June in various countries. This day is dedicated to recognise and honour the role of fathers, grandfathers, and father like figures in our lives.  Origin of celebrating this day: Sonora Smart Dodd of Spokane, Washington, is usually

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JAMAI sasthi

JAMAI SASTHI, traditional culture of Bengalis

JAMAI SASTHI Introduction: Jamai Sasthi is one of the celebrated festivals of West Bengal. Bengali culture is incomplete without the festival ‘Jamai Sasthi’. On this day, the mothers-in-law perform Sasthi puja to make Goddess Sasthi happy and seek her blessings for  their sons-in-law and daughters as they can have a blessed life with prosperity. The

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World environment day

WORLD ENVIRONMENT DAY speech for students and teachers

World Environment Day Why the day is celebrated: World Environment Day is celebrated on 5th June annually. It is a global celebration for inspiring people to be careful about nature. People from more than 150 countries participate in this United Nation’s international day programme . The day celebrates environmental action and the power of governments,

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cultural heritage of west bengal

CULTURAL HERITAGE OF WEST BENGAL – filled with rich tradition, art, music and drama

Cultural Heritage of West Bengal Introduction : West Bengal is very much enriched with it’s cultural heritage . The state is decorated with its cultures like  : traditional art forms , rituals  , music, dance  , drama etcetera . All the cultural heritages are distinguished  their own characteristics and style. Kolkata , the capital of

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heritage of west bengal


Heritage of West Bengal A brief idea of West Bengal: Heritage of West Bengal is very enriched. It is a state in eastern India, between the great Himalayas and the Bay of Bengal. Its capital, Kolkata , formerly known as Calcutta, retains architectural and cultural remnants of its past as an East India Company trading


heritage of india

HERITAGE OF INDIA its History, Culture and Diversity

Heritage of India How the name ‘India’ came: ‘India’ is also called ‘Bharat’ . The word ‘Bharat’ was derived from the Sanskrit word ‘Bharata,’ that refers to ‘Agni’ or ‘fire’. Besides , the British referred to the Indian subcontinent as ‘India’.  This term was derived from the river Indus, which denoted the western boundary of

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