Teachers’ Day
Teachers are regarded as the man maker or the backbone of our society. So Teacher’s Day is celebrated on 5th September annually in India. This is the birthday of Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan who was an educationist, a scholar and a great teacher. Not only these, he was the president of India. He received the Bharat Ratna Award also. The day is celebrated on the remembrance of this legendary personality to honour the teachers of our country.
Role of a teacher in society:
Teachers build the future citizen with their sincere and careful teaching. Their love for the students are immense and they always inspire them to do better and great in their upcoming lives. Teachers make a great sacrifice for the betterment of the society. A teacher teaches us how to strive, how to succeed, how to adjust, how to mend the self. Not only these a teacher teaches how to move on, how to laugh, how to make this earth a better-living place.
Life with a perfect teacher is a blessing by the grace of Almighty. Even a teacher teaches students little things of every day life which help them to get a better version of themselves day by day. A perfect teacher guides the students to choose the correct way in life.
How the day is observed:
On the this Day, teachers are honoured through various activities throughout the county. The functions are organized in every schools, colleges, universities or any educational institutions. On this day government also announces different types of civilian awards to show respect to the teachers. The Theme for this Day in 2024 is ‘Empowering Educators: Strengthening Resilience, Building Sustainability’ and UNESCO education 2024 theme is ‘learning for lasting peace’ .
Conclusion :

As the day has a great significance in society, this Day is celebrated pompously through out the country. For all these activities, teachers also feel very motivated and encouraged to do better for society. In spite all these the best gifts for the teachers are the respects which the students pay to them.