21st June is celebrated as the International Day of Yoga. In December 2014, the United Nations declared June 21 as the International Day of Yoga.
Celebration of this day aims to create worldwide awareness about innumerable benefits of practising yoga. The word “yoga” is derived from the Sanskrit word “yuj” which means “to unify”. Yoga unites body and mind. ‘Yoga’ is a practice of ancient India. It is nothing but an art of healthy living.

There are eight elements of practising yoga. They are Ahimsa that is non-harming , Satya that is truthfulness , Asteya that is non-stealing , Brahmacharya that is abstinence, Aparigraha that is non-hoarding , Saucha that is cleanliness , Santosha that is contentment and Tapas that is heat.
Yoga follows four principles like- Exercises or Asanas, Breathing or Pranayama , Relaxation or Bishrama, Diet and Nutrition or Aahara. It helps to relax through meditation. Moreover, yoga helps us to control our body as well as mind. Yoga helps to control stress and anxiety.